Period instruments such as the traverso, the Baroque violin, the viola da gamba and the harpsichord can offer an incredibly wide palette of timbres and new sound possibilities suited to contemporary ears. From the late 1960s, an increasing number of postmodernist composers began looking at these instruments as perfect tools to reconnect with both their audience and the music traditions from the past. Contemporary experimental ‘effects’, through the use of extended techniques and electronics, are proven able to create a fruitful dialogue with the perennial ‘affects’ that period instruments are capable of arousing. Based on Matteo Gemolo’s Ph.D research on new music for old instruments at Cardiff University, Affect is no crime brings to light the complexity and heterogeneity of this new path, presenting 5 world premiere recordings of 5 works written for these 4 instruments from 5 celebrated living composers, from 5 different countries: from Anspielungen by H.M. Linde, an atonal patchwork enriched with baroque quotations, to the ironic and microtonal Tiet/Lots by J. Tiensuu; from the neo-impressionistic La Fenêtre Ouverte by J. Fontyn to Revenant by J. Morlock, a modal and minimalist homage to Bach, passing through the experimental Sun Bleached with electronics, freshly commissioned from T. Polymeneas Liontiris.
New Music for Old Instruments
- Europa Ritrovata -